New rigging

The boat is now 17 years old and that is how long the rigging has been on it. Usually 15-20 years is given for the lifetime of the stay. For us a reason to change to new rigging now so that this will not have to be replaced in the next 10 years during our planned voyage.

To properly replace the rigging, the mast has to come off. We will have Marco Bijl from Brouwershaven do this while the boat is on the shore anyway for coppercoat. Marco is taking all the rigging with him so that they can be newly customized.

When the boat is ready to go in the water again, Marco puts up the mast with the new rigging. The genoa and cutter rigging have been shortened so that they can be adjusted better. Before, they were hanging a bit on the loose side. We have also made the length of the backstay so that if the hydraulic backstay tensioner fails (difficult to repair outside NL), we can use the manual backstay tensioner to keep the mast under proper tension. The whole thing stands better than ever 😊.