Dolphins seen!

We left Camaret. We saw dolphins on the way! That was great fun. I was sorry they only stayed for 2 minutes. But we have a photo and video! When the dolphins were gone I thought every time I heard a splash that it was dolphins but it wasn't. We are now in Guilvinec. We went for a walk and then I ran even louder than my dad. And now I have to go to bed!

Xxxxx eline!


  1. jeske g

    How nice that you've seen dolphins I'm going to the dolphinarium on Saturday I sometimes look at your map and then I start crying a little bit because then I miss you very happy we both have hyves and we can talk to each other

    greetings jeske xxx

  2. Anonymous

    Hi Eline and Marinthe,

    How nice that you guys have seen dolphins.
    we're a little jealous.

    Greetings Anne and Irisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Anonymous

    Too bad you're too far in Spain because I wanted to stop by. I'm going to the Mediterranean now and I also want to see dolphins. I'm having a great time on holiday and you? Do you have to do schoolwork or are you really on holiday? It's my birthday next week and I'm hoping for presents and cakes, but yeah I'll still be in France, so that's wait and see. Greetings Frank