Happy holidays and a healthy and happy 2021 !!!
This picture has Eline gemaaktππ. The SeaQuest is the boat with the lights.
This picture has Eline gemaaktππ. The SeaQuest is the boat with the lights.
It will take us 12 days to sail back from Sweden to Dordrecht. That will be our accommodation for the coming winter. Two weeks on the way home and from the beginning also at home. The boat really feels at home already...
This is the last part of the refit in Sweden this autumn. After 12 weeks of staying in Sweden it has come to an end. The house is cleared, the boat is cleared, ready to go back to the Netherlands...
Again 3 weeks have passed and now we 'live' already 10 weeks in Sweden. The end is in sight. According to Carl the boat will go into the water next week and we can go there again at the end of the week...
We are 3 weeks further and already 7 weeks we 'live' in Sweden. The last 3 weeks the progress of the renovation is very good π. See also Refit Sweden. We are already in a constructive phase and...
So, we are now three weeks further and the refit of the SeaQuest finally seems to have started π. How have the last three weeks gone? The first week Toine went up and down to Tilburg for three days...
The first week in Sweden because of the refit of the SeaQuest is over. A beautiful week in which we switch in a short time from the free boat life to a working life from a nice holiday home close to the shipyard. This transition does...
The two weeks in Denmark together with the girls are wonderful. We sail around the large island of Seeland, with Copenhagen as our final destination. Denmark surprises us positively and surpasses our verwachtingππ. From a previous visit...
The final destination of the summer holiday was already determined at the beginning of this year by the appointment with Adams Boat Care on 17 August in HenΓ₯n (Sweden) for the conversion of the beds. Fortunately, Denmark's borders will open in time. As a result...
We just left for our summer vacation to the Baltic Sea. The first week we can take it easy without the girls. That gives me time to look back at the past two months ...
Despite the crazy time now during the Corona lockdown we are on board for many weekends. That is a wonderful change after a busy week at home. We feel very privileged that we can do this π. Especially because the Belgians...
We have been hauled in the water on March 17th π. Because of the corona virus we both work at home from March 10th. So we decided to go in the water just a week earlier. Every day the situation changes, so...
This winter we spend most of our time polishing the white polyester. The superstructure and the cockpit have never been so shiny π. Van Ast polishes the rest of the boat for us and paints the underwater hull....
The sailing season is over and the SeaQuest is ready for hibernation in the hall at Van Ast. We were pleasantly surprised by the good condition of the underwater hull and the propeller shaft ... almost no growth ππ.
We make the plan for this holiday in consultation with the girls. We drop the earlier plan for Scandinavia and we focus on a tour of the UK with a focus on Ireland and Scotland. But...